Monday, May 31, 2010
Asuya and Anasuya - Knowledge Sheet 11
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Green Chilli Ice Cream Story
Hey all
There were a lot of things that happened during my 4 month stay in Bombay. So i have decided to post some of the interesting ones. And it starts of with the one that happened before we left.

We went to this place called Bachelor’s on Marine Drive in Bombay. And I tell you, this is the bestttttttttt juice shop that I ave ever went to. I mean, the quality of shakes and juices that they have is totally amazing. And the best part is this thing is opened upto 2 A.M in the morning. Such is the demand for this place. It’s a small shop, almost the size of our Bakes and Cakes shop but all you’ve got to do is to park your car on the roadside and they’ll come and take the order. And this happens right on the main road. The pricing is on the higher side, but considering the quality that they provide its worth the money. You cannot go everyday for it, but probably once or twice a week. But if your filthy rich and ready to sponsor for others as well, then you’ve got some good karma in your kitty. :-) :-) :-)
This was the second time I was going to bachelor’s after Bawa took me to the place for the first time on my birthday(that is a completely different story, reserved for later). Since it was our last few days in Bombay, we decided to freak out and were allowed to order whatever we wished for. We were having a ball of a time having all that was there on the menu ranging from milkshakes, to blossoms, to fruits served with whipped cream. And suddenly our HOD JD Bhaiyya(name: Jayesh Daulatjada) came up with a suggestion that we try the Green Chili Ice cream. When asked if he had tried it before, he said no but then said what is wrong in experimenting. So, when it is coming from the Head of Dept, all that you can do is oblige to his request. Gowri and myself were still skeptical about ordering it but then Prasanth said he will go ahead and have it. So we ordered and I was happily digging into my Mango+Ice Cream Milkshake when the unfamiliar ice cream arrived.

We were looking at each other and burst out laughing. It was as though we were waiting for someone to say, “ok, I’ll go ahead and have it…” Since it was Prasanth who ordered it (his talent for eating reminds me ajoy and james) he went and had it. First Reaction: Eyes opened wide. And wide means VERY WIDE!!! AHAHAHAHahahaha.. Gowri and myself were laughing our heads off. HAhhaaha.. It was too funny, his expression was as though, “Who the hell woke me up when I was having a nice nap.” It was unbelievable. And then it was passed onto Gowri who then without saying anything passed it onto me. How do I describe this thing - A Conflicting Dish. I mean an ice cream is something that is supposed to make you enjoy every scoop and cool you down. But what this does is when you have a spoon, it gives you a false impression that it tastes like any other ice cream but once you swallow it, the chili comes into play and it start burning your throat. I mean the whole purpose of an ice cream is lost.
While all this was happening, there was one person who was having fun watching all this. Yes, the person who was responsible for this whole experiment our thalaivar JD Bhaiyya. He played the perfect role of Naradar. Instigating the process and then sit back and watch the fun. But ultimately he also had it but then it was left to Prasanth to finish the rest and he did it without a word.(just like Joy)
So when you are in mood to experiment or if you come across anything that is as weird/conflicting as this let me know, there are people here who are waiting to hear from you. :-) :-) :-)
Jai Gurudevaaa!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Liar's paradox, Godel's theorem and the existence of God..
The official statement is "Any effectively generated theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. In particular, for any consistent, effectively generated formal theory that proves certain basic arithmetic truths, there is an arithmetical statement that is true,but not provable in the theory"
What it means?? Simple, for every formal consistent theory T that uses some amount of number theory in it, there is always a statement called the Godel statement G which is true but cannot be proved in T, which means the theory is incomplete and not every true statement can be proven. If however G can be proved in T, then it means T is inconsistent and some theorem of T is in contradiction with itself.
So what is this Godel statement G that seems to be so damn powerful? Well, it is not unique and can vary from system to system in which its applied but in a meta-logical level it can be simply states as: The statement G for a system, is that "This statement cannot be proven in this formal system" (i.e) G="G cannot be proven in this system". Now lets examine this statement closely. If this statement can be proven in the system, then its false since we assumed the statement cannot be proven, and thus we have just proved a false statement, which implies the system is inconsistent. If the statement cannot be proven, then its true and we have a true statement which cannot be proven in the system, making it incomplete. Still confusing?? Well here is a better version of the proof I found on the net and one I enjoyed a lot. It might need to be read about 2-3 times to really get it but once you do, you realise that the proof is so clever and sneaky, its actually embarassing to relate to. These are the steps:
1. Someone introduces Gödel to a UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal Truth Machine, capable of correctly answering any question at all.
2. Gödel asks for the program and the circuit design of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine.
3. Smiling a little, Gödel writes out the following sentence: “The machine constructed on the basis of the program P(UTM) will never say that this sentence is true.” Call this sentence G for Gödel. Note that G is equivalent to: “UTM will never say G is true.”
4. Now Gödel laughs his high laugh and asks UTM whether G is true or not.
5. If UTM says G is true, then “UTM will never say G is true” is false. If “UTM will never say G is true” is false, then G is false (since G = “UTM will never say G is true”). So if UTM says G is true, then G is in fact false, and UTM has made a false statement. So UTM will never say that G is true, since UTM makes only true statements.
6. We have established that UTM will never say G is true. So “UTM will never say G is true” is in fact a true statement. So G is true (since G = “UTM will never say G is true”).
7. “I know a truth that UTM can never utter,” Gödel says. “I know that G is true. UTM is not truly universal.” QED :)
The result is quite significant as it lead to the second Incompleteness theorem, gave an answer to Hilberts second problem and so on and so forth. Yeah, yeah lot of jibber jabber and thingamajings it can do but whats the use to anyone outside core mathematics and comp sci, you ask!! Well here is the interesting extension of this result. Many have tried to show that if we were to construct religion as a formal system T with the existence of God as a fundamental axiom, then we will be able to prove using the theorem that either the axioms are inconsistent and must be self-contradicting, hence calling into question the existence of God!! or the system must be incomplete and there are lot of things still not known in the religion itself, hence putting a dent on religious organisations that claim to know and control every aspect of the religion. But then again, there has been a lot of doubt+opposition to this, as many claim that it simply is not possible to construct something as important as faith like a mathematics based system.
There is another side to using this result as well. It remains an open question till date whether the entire universe can be modeled as a logical system (ie) like one giant computer. If it can be, then the fact that certain aspects of it can be never be explained by us becomes an inherent implication. So then it becomes possible for us to make a statement like "God does exist" which COULD (note: i say could be and not is) be true but can never be proven, not because of our inability to do so, but of the inherent nature of the universe itself!!
Nonetheless its an awesome result \m/ and one that has made me google and read many many pages on its implications outside the realm of maths and computer science. Hope its sparked the same interest in you guys as well.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today is Krishna's Birthday - Knowledge Sheet 10
Monday, May 17, 2010
Dealing with Blame - Knowledge Sheet 9
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mind and Beyond
What do you mean by dysfunction? When thinking becomes an addiction; when we derive our self from what we think. When we start identifying ourselves with our thinking we end up creating an opaque screen of labels, images, judgments, words - this blocks the present and all relationships that come along with it. Thought is compulsive, and not being able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction.
The human mind can never be happy as it will always compare and contrast. All it can do is gather, store and analyze data. It is a survival machine and for its survival it needs to be given food - (ie) our attention to it. It will complain about what it doesn't have and flaunt about what it has (ego/self). People say that only when one goes through an acute mental dysfunction does this realization dawn upon the individual.
Our mind is always planning, trying to achieve some goal, trying to manifest some inner desire, using the present as a means to getting there. One cannot derive permanent happiness from the outside world as it is fleeting, ever changing. If you take a moment to think of all those incidents when you wanted to be like someone because he was smarter, more creative, more talented etc. your mind was at work. That is what it does, compare and contrast, complain about what it doesn't have and flaunt what it has. We need to realize that we are beyond our mind. When we take decisions based on the mind, we are unconscious, so as to say the present decision is based on a culmination of all our previous experiences. The need of the hour is a higher level of consciousness or what is called realizing our inner space.
Only our inner space that is under our control, can give us ever lasting happiness. This can be achieved thro' the realization of one's own inner energy field or the conscious presence. All meditation techniques focus on breathing that makes us become conscious of our presence, realizing the energy field within. The state of all presence and no mind.
The path to freedom lies in freeing oneself from the mind. Creativity is a derivate when one switches between the mind and no mind state. Great scientists have reported that the most famous discoveries happen when they switch between these two states.
Stress is a result of being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’, being in the present but wanting to be in the future. Any joy that is perceived in the future is only an illusion, all happiness that can ever be is only in the present. The way to go forward is to accept the present and act. Always it is our duty to work with the now, not against it.
I am sure all of you know this, but felt we that needed to be reminded of it once in a while.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Habits and Vows - Knowledge Sheet 8
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Kill death penalty
Fire - Knowledge Sheet 7
Friday, May 7, 2010
Doubt - Knowledge Sheet 6
Alive and Dead...part 5
I was hoping to turn these "dead and alive" posts to more of a discussion as I branch out into the realm of philosophy and possibly even mysticism and find out what you guys think about things which seem quite obvious but are far from it.
For this post, I decided to talk about the most common and obvious of phenomenon, so trivial that we probably do it every living second of our lives but do not think twice about it. Infact you did it when you chose to read this post. I am talking about Freewill ofcourse. The concept of CHOICE is so simple, yet so powerful. Entwined in this concept is that of destiny and all the baggage it brings. You ask me, what is there to think about this? Its quite obvious isnt it? I can decide to continue reading this post or not and its completely according to me...ME and me alone. But is it? Are you sure, that your choice isnt already influenced or decided upon before you make it? In short, did you really have a choice in the first place??Seems ridiculous to even ask such a question, doesnt it? But think about it. What if the freedom of choosing was merely an illusion?
Confused? Before I explain with one of my favourite examples, I need to put forward the idea that freewill and choice indicates randomness. When you have the ability to go either left or right and the decision is completely upto you and not determined by anything else, your choice is infact random and noone can truly predict with absolute certainity, what you will do. Sounds reasonable?? Now back to the example (ohh boy!! you are gonna love this one!! :) )
Consider a pool table with some red balls placed randomly on it. Now take a blue ball, place it on the table and strike it with the stick. Watch as it hits the red balls and moves around. The movement of the blue ball and the red balls can be completely determined by you using Newton's laws of motions, a bit tedious to do but can be done. The movement of the ball is completely deterministic and its possible to predict it properly for any future time. Now suppose you brought a friend into the room and made him wear glasses which filtered out the red balls and all he saw was the single blue ball, now moving on the pool table in what would appear to him complete random motion. Now according to him, the movement of the blue ball cannot be predicted and in fact it has a free will or the ability to choose what it wants to do, its like it has a "mind of its own" (hmmm I wonder, what else thinks it has mind of its own?? hehe). But you, having knowledge of the whole system of the blue and red balls know that is not true. Can you guys see the whole concept of illusion that I was talking about?
So lets just extend this to the entire universe. A giant leap but nonetheless allowed. If the entire universe is one large quantum mechanical system, then it should infact evolve or change in time deterministically according to something called the Schroedinger equation, i.e. if we knew the necessary components of the equation for the system of the universe, then we should in theory determine what exactly will happen to anyone and everyone in every single point of time, in short chalk out everyone's destiny clearly, one which they cannot avoid ( here you might ask, if I knew my destiny, my future, would I not be able to do something to change it? perhaps you can but then again, you having the power, the ability, the choice to change things might just be another illusion. Mind boggling isnt it??) But then again, it is almost near impossible to determine the parameters needed to solve the required equation for the universe and even if we did, the jury is still out on whether the universe evolves according to this equation or not in the first? (Two of my profs here openly fight on this topic every single time they meet :D ) Many do not think and/or like the idea that the universe behaves deterministically, because then it means you do not really think and make choices but only appear to do so.
Another interesting aspect is that, though I am not sure about this yet, the Schrondinger equation does not differentiate between positive and negative time, which means that if we assume the Big Bang(not the sitcom :D ) as time=0, then it means a "universe" identical to ours at every point in time should have existed before the big bang occurred. A universe before the big bang?? We do not even understand the universe almost immediately after the big bang!! forget about trying to understand one before that!!
So I have said all that I wanted to say or that I am supposed to say. So what do you people think or supposed to?? :D
...signing off because I am supposed to??
PS: I am really looking forward to the World Science festival in NYC from June 2nd-6th. They are a few talks on the universe, human brain, what exactly it means to think and understand,etc which I am dying to attend :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Master is the Door - Knowledge Sheet 5
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Raavan and Roy

I've been flooding my head with the songs from Raavan and Raavanan (simultaneously sometimes). The song Kata Kata (my favourite) in the Raavan sountrack brings vivid imagery to my mind, thanks to an article by Arundhati Roy on the Naxalites- "Walking with the Comrades". She describes a festival somewhere in the Dandakaranya forest with the tribals decked up in bright flowers, mahua abounding and dancing through the night in circles*. I think everything seems to have a strange sense of timing (I have been obsessing over alternative narratives off late, especially of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. That said, one more reason why I'm totally looking forward to Raavan/Raavanan). I read this article that Roy had written and have generally been confused about the role of the Naxalites, the movement itself and the Government.
*I did a quick google/wiki on the film, and I find that the song Kata Kata was shot in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh. Whattey guess.
-Pats self on back-
Strangely, the tamil version of this song- Kadaa kari- brings to my mind firstly the videos of Chandralekha, Veerapaandi Kottaiyile; the song 'Kombula Poova suthi' from Virumandi and forest scenes from old tamil movies, with a Napoleon (the actor, not Bonaparte) type character with an oversized meesai watching a dance by a bonfire in the forest. :P
Do read the article. Confusion inducing, but eye opening as well.
Not reading it would be, as Chimamanda Adichie calls it, 'The danger of the single story'.
Only Speak Knowledge; Find Comfort in Conflicts - Knowledge Sheet 4
Hope you guys enjoy it. :-) :-) :-)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Prarabdha Karma and Sanchitha Karma - Knowledge Sheet 3
Monday, May 3, 2010
Close to the Master - Knowledge Sheet 2
A shout out...
I know i have been inactive for a while and hence becoming the worst possible owner in the history of blog ownage, but I see the blog is still going good and thats great news... A special shout out to all of u posting and keeping the spirit going, especially you Agent (hope u dont mind, I am so used to calling you that Abhiram sounds almost alien :) but I am trying ) and very much thanks for finally making this blog lookable at (if there is such a word)...the blog looks awesome \m/ cheers to u!!!
My semester is almost done and it has been pretty crazy in a good and bad sense...I have updated most of u on most things :D but I shall blog most of it down once everything finishes this week and I finally get some time to breathe...
Cheers everyone...Peace..
Sunday, May 2, 2010
This Begins a New Practice - Knowledge Sheet 1

"For 7 years, every week Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) used to send out a page of Knowledge to be read out and discussed at the satsangs happening all over the world. He used to call it the Knowledge fax … This was before email became popular enough for everyone to use
Every week we waited eagerly for what Guruji would say through these Knowledge Sheets, many times we would be with Him while He dictated them out and we compiled them. The atmosphere would always be full of wisdom coupled with big doses of mirth. And the Knowledge sheets themselves are always profound, sometimes quite funny…
Dinesh and i decided to do a commentary on them, reliving those precious moments spent with Guruji, reading them out for you and peppering them with stories and examples of how this Knowledge from Him has come alive for us in our lives.
Re reading them now, after so many years of Sadhana, Seva and Satsang has made us realise just how beautiful and precious these words from Him are … We are throughly enjoying ourselves making these videos, we know you will love watching them too."
Shutter Island - A Review

After a long time, finally got to sit down and watch a movie at home. And after watching it, i decided to write rather than talk about it to others(even though i was left spellbound and speechless and was finding a place to bury my head into the couch)