Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hi guys and hopefully in the near to distant future some gals as well. :) i have had this idea for a while now but like everything else i kinda forgot to put this forward before. anyways better late than never. i hope this blog will be a very useful way for us to dump our experiences, thoughts and just mindless timepass onto the rest of the world while at the same time allowing us to reminisce about some wonderful times and share the bond we all enjoy by coming from what is undoubtedly the greatest school on earth.
unlike my previous affiliations with the blogosphere, i hope to keep this one very alive and kicking and i hope all of you will do to.if anyone wishes to post here and you are most welcome to, please send me an email and i will gladly add you. the more, the merrier!! :)
looking forward to hearing from all of you.
....is ecstatic that for once people actually accepted his blog invite...hallelujah!!

ps:this doesnt mean anything but my screen indicates that the blog was formed on jan 26th, republic day.... i like having a historical significance to important dates of my life...but then again thats just me...